Blind Chihuahua

Blind Chihuahua

Blind Chihuahua
User ResearchConcept DesignUXUI
Project title

Virtual Concert + Social Platform

Project type


Research analysis
Concept design
Hi-fi prototypes
User experience
Visual design

TEAMS (of UX designers)

Haruka Sawa

Ivy Wei

Jennie Kan

Juliette Hall

Marcela Perez


Blind Chihuahua Immersive

Transforming virtual concerts into an immersive and interactive experience

Blind Chihuahua is a concert live-streaming production company and PPV platform. They are developing a virtual concert/social platform, with an immersive audience-driven experience in a multi-player game environment. This is the story of how I made a positive impact on people’s lives during the lockdown.

I was part of the UX team and responsible for the research analysis, experience strategy and design of the platform.


How can we design an experience that stimulates all the senses?

The challenge

In 2020, COVID-19 turned the world upside down, everything and everyone has been impacted. During this challenging time, social distancing requirements dramatically increased virtual concerts' popularity. However, current live-streaming services are passive and lack important aspects of in-person events. How might we design an immersive and interactive experience that can let users feel the excitement that adequately reflects the real thing, closing the gap between live vs. virtual?

Our client approached us with two primary objectives - to understand the experiences and behaviours of users in both live and virtual events, and their attitudes towards the high-fidelity prototype we were tasked to deliver.

The approach


Empathise the users

Who is the target audience? Everybody who attends live/virtual concerts.

By empathising with the pain points of attending virtual gigs, we can recognise uncovered opportunities. We also want to understand the essentials of a live experience, so we can recreate those positive emotions in a virtual setting.

Here's what we've learnt:

Early insights from the survey

We surveyed 100+ participants within the target audience, uncovering the highlights and lowlights of users with both live and virtual gigs, shown in the diagram below. In a live-stream concert, users can't replicate the atmosphere of a large audience - the hype, energy, engagement, etc. and tend to miss the social elements and physical connections that people get from a live event.


Deeper insights

“Live experience is like going to a new country. Every event has its own culture, and when you're in that shared space, you get the full experience of the culture and feel a sense of belonging and connectedness.”

We asked 1:1 interview participants what they found unique and special about live events, and along with survey results, found some key themes that were universal amongst users.


We kept these themes in mind throughout the project, as a reminder of the type of experience we were aiming to replicate in a virtual setting.

Define the problem

Through careful analysis of our research, we identified two archetypes - introverted and extroverted, which we used to facilitate discussions about our user's needs, desires and pain points.

We chose to use archetypes/user groups, instead of personas, to recognise that people can interchange between the two archetypes that we developed, depending on their age, the kind of event, who they are going with, and how much interest they have in the artist.


Visualising the End-to-End

When analysing both archetypes, we wanted to really understand their behaviours during all stages of attending a live stream, especially paying great attention to their pain points, with the intention to turn those frustrations into opportunities and then potential design solutions.

Pain points for the Introverts

  • Onboarding experience
  • No sense of connection with the performer
  • Lack of Spotify connectivity
  • No post-event archive or next music event suggestions

Pain points for the Extroverts

  • Missing the shared experience with friends
  • Lack of atmosphere
  • No social elements and sense of community
  • Fear of missing out
  • Lack of connection with the artist

The vision

HMW stimulate all of the users' senses, so they can fully immerse themselves in the experience of a virtual event?

  • Build connections with the performers
  • Create an interactive space for a sense of community
  • Evoke live event atmosphere in a virtual setting


Using HMW statements as a guide, we brainstormed features and potential solutions to the final problem statement. Below are three main stages:

Minimum viable product

User flows



We put all the ideas into an MVP framework, to decide which were the most valuable and achievable for the prototypes.

  • Linking to Spotify/Apple Music and social media
  • Countdown to the event
  • Personalised profiles and onboarding experience
  • Adjustable graphic levels
  • Archives of gigs

User flows

We created a user flow to map out the most crucial experience from the MVPs.




Wireframe sketch: Main virtual event page


Wireframe sketch: Food and drink order page

Concept design


We set on the idea of providing a realistic experience, as realistic as possible - a key finding from our user research. We explored the idea of using 3D realistic renders and animations - so that users can be guided throughout the event, creating a sense of being there in real-time.


The main venue


Camera mode - stage

  • Introduction animation of the live stream, setting the mood and creating a sense of excitement.
  • Live 5-second countdown before the start of the performance, creating a sense of anticipation.
  • Animated close-up to the venue when you attend the live stream as if you were walking into the event, creating a sense of discovery.
  • 3D renders of the venue to show different zones and angles, creating a sense of exploration.
  • Close-ups of performers on stage, creating a sense of connection and intimacy with the artists.
  • Lighting effects, fireworks and large screens, creating an immersive atmosphere; views of the crowd from different angles, creating a sense of community.

Food truck

Interactive 3D realistic renders of food trucks and drinks areas, and the merchandising stores, allowing users to view the merchandise in 3D.



Creative avatar UI, with the use of semi-realistic rendering technologies, for personal customisations.


Hifi prototype

Please explore Blind Chihuahua Immersive with multi-sensational interactions.

View prototype

User testing

We conducted 11 one-on-one user testing sessions with the prototype. Along with positive testing feedback, we also provided Blind Chihuahua with suggestions for changes to the prototype, based on any critical feedback.

Live event onboarding

  1. Welcome page
  2. Set up a GIGME
  3. Webcam and mic check
  4. Live countdown

Live in progress

Live Chat - comment on the gig in real-time and see others’ comments

Proximity chat - hear users close to you in the event and voice chat with them

Friends online - see who’s online, which zone they’re in and call, message or teleport to their zone

Immersion features - camera mode, take a selfie, buy merch, sing-along, lights

Explore other venues

  • Dance floor
  • Mosh pit
  • Chill zone
  • Bar

Food & drinks

Partnered with online food ordering and delivery services, e.g. Uber Eats

  • Bar/drinks
  • Food
  • Dessert

Profile page

  • Customised GIGME
  • Music interest
  • Calendar
  • Following + followers
  • Friends
  • Archived streams

The impact

In the next 7 months after our involvement in the project, Blind Chihuahua continued to evolve and polish the visual design, as well as optimising the functional details as the platform was being built. Even though I was not part of the remaining process, it was very exciting to see that most of my work has been brought to life.

Next project

Visual Thinking Australia